Access the True, the Best and Highest version of Yourself!
Wellcome to an Extraordinary Journey !
Interested in developing your Inner Skills?
Building your Intuition?
Accessing Your body's innate power of Healing?
Increasing Manifestation and creating a Life with Joy and Balance?
If yes, you are Wellcome to join our Holistic Learning Center and acces the ThetaHealing(R) Knowledge.
I am Silvia Ecobici: ThetaHealing certified Instructor
And I am inviting you to an amazing Journey of Discovering Yourself through Knowledge!
Belief Work
What we think is what we get! What the Subconscious thinks is what is Creating each one's Reality!
Learn how to Create new neural pathways. Understand how the brain works.
Quantic Theory
Observe and influence what you're observing.
Mindfulness. Mind, Body and Spirit Balance.
Is this for me?
If you already are a healer, a doctor, psyhotherapist, psyhologist or any healing domain, this knowledge is compatible with your practice and is adding a new valuable perspective.
If you are an entrepreneur, manager, or working with people, then you will receive a new understanding about how people minds/brains are working, the patterns and you can easily take decisions.
If you need to improve any area of your life: health, well being, professional, relations, family, soul mate, then this is the place when you can find your answers.
Access the knowledge:
– First step: Basc DNA ThetaHealing Seminar, learn the concepts and the technique;
– Then Advance DNA to learn how to work with feelings
– Then Dig Deeper, to lear how to work with the deeper beliefs from the subconscious mind.
– Then access the knowledge form other seminars like; You and Creator, Manifesting and Abundance, You and Your Inner Circle, You and the Earth, World Relations, Intuitive Anatomy, Disease and Disorder, Planes of Existence, Animals, Plants.
And when you are ready for the impossible to become possible: access DNA3 and DNA4 seminars!
About me: My business experience started in 2000 in Sales, and during the years I had the opportunity to work, to know and to understand businesses in Tourism, Health, Human Resources, and 12 Years as an Entrepreneur in Elevators Business along with my husband.<br>The Elevators Business came with new roles into my life: mother and business owner. And each year came with new understandings and new challenges, and this was an excellent opportunity for me to learn how to manage business, family and myself from a balanced state of mind.